
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Out of blue thread?

My plans came to a screeching halt when I realized that I had no blue thread.  I always have blue thread.  I once had so many spools that I used it for every basting project I could.  So, a trip to JoAnn's was needed before I could do anything. 
I had hoped to show a finished project tonight.  Instead, I am going to explain a little about the fabric:  The plaid had a 12 inch repetition.  It doesn't duplicate the same way across the width as the length.  Therefore, I had to settle for a little imperfection in the tie around the neck.  The two pieces that make up the tie will come together inside the casing at the top front of the dress.  However, the plaid does not match up.  I will probably be the only one to know, but it would be noticable in the belt.  The pattern uses the same piece for the belt as the tie.  Because I didn't have enough fabric, I chose to make the belt pieces symmetrical rather than the tie. 
After cutting the first piece, I used it rather than the pattern piece to cut the second piece.  It was easier to match and cut this way. 

I love this fabric and the colors in it.  The bottom piece will match the royal blue square, but I think a pair of red shoes will set it off. 
My only concern about this pattern is in the casings.  The instructions are not clear.  It sounds as if I am to cut the fabric close to the stitching and leaving it raw.  I can't imagine that that is what is intended.  I plan to fold it in half, stitch it to the gathered edge, and serge the seam.  I will let you know if it lays well.
I have thread and splurged for serger thread to match.  Look for a more finished garment tomorrow.

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